The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) celebrated its 80th anniversary with a special session of the Governing Council, emphasizing the ongoing influence of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).

The Chicago Convention, a key international agreement signed on 7 December 1944, has shaped global civil aviation to the benefit of all peoples and nations of the world.

The 36 members of the ICAO Council convened on December 5 in the same room of the Chicago Hilton (formerly known as Stevens Hotel) where the diplomatic conference of 1944 was conducted.

The Council passed a resolution acknowledging the substantial contributions of ICAO over the past eight decades since the 1944 conference and focusing on the future to create an aviation sector that is safe, sustainable, and more accessible for everyone. The resolution also honours the vital role of civil aviation in fostering global cooperation, peace, and economic growth. It encourages Member States to keep advancing innovation, inclusivity, and environmental sustainability, to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

In a written message to the Council, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres applauded ICAO's leadership in promoting environmental sustainability. He lauded ICAO's new Long-Term Strategic Plan for aligning with the UN's 2030 Agenda, especially emphasizing its focus on tangible emissions reduction, environmental protection, and capacity building through the "No Country Left Behind" initiative. The Secretary-General expressed strong support for ICAO's dedication to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.

The commemorative events commenced on December 4 with a welcome reception that included remarks from Mr. Pete Buttigieg, the United States Secretary of Transportation. This gathering united representatives from the ICAO Council and senior delegates from the ICAO Member States, featuring 10 Ministers and 50 Directors General of Civil Aviation.

On 5 December, the ICAO Council held its historic Extraordinary Council session, where ICAO President Salvatore Sciacchitano told delegates that the 1944 Chicago conference was a remarkable moment in human history.

“Eighty years ago, as the Second World War still raged, 54 States came together in this very city to imagine a different future – one where aviation would serve as a bridge between nations rather than an instrument of conflict,” he expressed. “Those delegates in 1944 could not have imagined the scale and complexity of today's aviation system. Yet they created a framework flexible enough to accommodate technologies they could never have dreamed of, and robust enough to guide aviation's development through decades of unprecedented change.”
ICAO Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar remarked that the theme of the anniversary - “Safe Skies. Sustainable Future” - reflected ICAO’s long-standing aspirations and dedication to achieving zero fatalities and net zero carbon emissions.

“We commit to ensuring every flight is safe and secure – building on our remarkable safety and security record while adapting to new technologies and emerging risks and threats. We pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 – evolving aviation from a contributor to climate change into a leader in sustainable transport. Like the visionaries who gathered in this room 80 years ago, we face many challenges and opportunities. Today, we must transform aviation again – making it efficient and accessible, sustainable and inclusive.”

Industry stakeholders wrapped up the Extraordinary Council session by issuing a joint declaration that commemorates eighty years of collaboration, progress, and innovation since ICAO was founded, and they pledged the sector's continued support for ICAO's long-term strategic vision.

On the afternoon of December 5, three high-level roundtables were held, focusing on crucial aviation themes: "Economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability – how aviation can advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals," "The role of innovation in achieving a sustainable future," and "Shaping the future of aviation: addressing challenges, securing investment, and attaining sustainability." These discussions highlighted the critical need for cross-sector collaboration to foster change and secure a sustainable future for aviation.