The Aero Club of South Africa hosted their annual Airweek from the 7th to the 11th of March at the Middelburg Airfield, Unfortunately the weather didn’t quite play along and by Thursday afternoon there was only a few aircraft that had made their way to Middelburg.

On Friday the weather was marginally better and the numbers started to swell somewhat, by lunch time the airfield started to look as if there was something happening. The afternoon saw many arrivals and a few of the aircraft took to the sky for some impromptu formation flying. Some of the formations were pretty mismatched. Its not often we get to see a RV7 flying on the wing of a L-39 Delfin.

Neil Bowden had set up his Oshkosh style tents camp and all the tents were booked, Neil is the organiser of the annual Air Venture Oshkosh trip, a pilgrimage that every aviation enthusiast should take at least once in their lives.

The Safety-First Aviator kicked off their campaign for the year with talks by the legend that is Santjie White, Santjie is the head of aviation Search and Rescue in South Africa and when you, as an aviator, get into trouble Santjie is the person that wont rest until you have been found.

The SAPFA Speed Rally competitors that had arrived had the opportunity to join the current SA Rally Flying champion for a few pointers in how to successfully fly a Speed Rally.
The South African Power Flying Association is an independent association affiliated to the Aero Club of South Africa. It was formed in 1988.

MISASA was well represented with many microlights flying in despite the not so pleasant weather, The MAD Team did a short flight at sunset showing off the lights that have been fitted to their weight-shit trikes.
MISASA is the National Flying Club that represents all Microlights and LSA pilots in SA. Our aircraft have a distinct look, feel, sound and personality. It is a world in which we capture the emotion and soul of the early days of flight and in which we work together to give voice to recreational aviation and its safety.

Epic Air from Pretoria representing SAPHA, SAHPA is the governing body for legally flying paragliders, hang gliders, powered paragliders, powered hang gliders and para-trikes in South Africa.

Daniel Ralafeta and his dedicated crew from The Aero Club Transformation and Development Section spent the week introducing young people to the joys of aviation. Daniel has run many projects in the past and always walk away with great success stories that are in turn used to inspire the next generation of aviators

Early on Saturday morning two Hot Air Balloons got airborne, the Ballooning fraternity is represented by BAFSA. The Balloon and Airship Federation of South Africa is the controlling body for sport and recreational Balloon flying in South Africa

The week was concluded with a wonderful Airshow on the Saturday afternoon, the Officials and display pilots are all members of ASSA. ASSA’s Function is to support safe, successful and sustainable air shows in South Africa. They do this by providing a wealth of industry "best practices", air show knowledge, resources and shared experience from their "official" members.
Special thanks must go to Richardt Lovett and his dedicated team from Middelburg Aero Club for all the hard work they put in to make this event the success it was.