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Speed Rally – Exciting, Competitive and Lots of Fun

Speed Rally – Exciting, Competitive and Lots of Fun

Since the inception of this New, Fast Paced Exciting Aviation Competition format there has been nothing short of great excitement and participation amongst the General Aviator’s in South Africa.

The Speed Rally brought concept has become the fastest growing sport discipline for the general aviator. Speed Rallies were never intended to replace precision navigation events but rather to create interest in navigation flying by introducing pilots to this form of flying in a fun and exciting way.

The format was also adopted to replace the previous format for the PTAR and was used for the first time in Saldanha earlier this month, the feedback has been very positive from all that took part and as a result some of the veteran PTAR contestants have decided to join the Speed Rally circuit. The new format levels the playing field for all contestants giving every contestant a realistic chance of winning the race.

Sponsorship has also increased as the Speed Rally format offers the spectator some excitement as all the aircraft cross the finish line very close together and the first to cross the line stands a real chance of winning the race, depending of course on the amount of penalties they received for cutting corners or flying off the prescribed route.

The first Speed Rally was held in Secunda on Saturday 6 October 2018 with twenty-three teams taking on the challenge, it was a huge success, and everyone was asking when the next one would be.

The second speed rally was held at the Springs airfield just over a month later and the entrants had increased to a full house of thirty, the word had got out and there was no stopping the Speed Rallies now.

The news had spread, and Morningstar in Cape Town requested a speed rally, the team had to move the entire operation to the Cape on Saturday 2 February 2019, once again the cap of thirty entrants had been reached. Unfortunately, the weather threw the organisers a “curve ball” and four teams had to withdraw, one other team had a technical hiccup before the start an also had to sit this one out. The inclement weather caused a further six teams to abort during the rally but nevertheless it was a great success.

By now sponsorship had increased significantly with companies like Dart Aeronautical and Aero Shell coming on board with great sponsorships for the events. Pilot Insure requested to sponsor the next event which was planned for the Aero Club Air Week in Middelburg. The interest for this rally was so great that the SAPFA officials decided to increase the entrant’s numbers by five teams, the extra slots were very quickly filled. Once again, the format proved to be a winner and a final decision was made to run the PTAR on this format.

The next Rally will be held in Bethlehem on 8 of June 2019 the cap has once again been lifted by five and all forty slots have been taken thirty-two of the entrants are return racers. Pilot Insure will not only be sponsoring the Rally but have also offered to individually sponsor two of the competing teams, Pilots Post will be sponsoring one team and Prompt Roofing have also sponsored a team.

If you are interested in Branding or Sponsoring a team, please call Jonty on 0828559435 or email for more details

Plans are afoot to take the Speed Rally concept international and have it recognised as an internationally recognised discipline this will create the opportunity for the best of the best (TOP GUNS) to compete at an International level.

The Speed Rally seems set to continue growing and SAPFA will look for creative ways to accommodate all our keen Aviators, this includes Microlights, Gyros, Gliders, Motorized Gliders, Helicopters, Jet, Single Seaters (Aerobatic aircraft), Twins, LSA and vintage Aircraft.


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