Good day All
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the overwhelming support Flightline Weekly has received in our first month, we achieved 8000 views in month. We will do our best to always keep the news current and interesting and hope to see you visiting for a long time to come.
Seems like we are in for yet another busy weekend in the aviation world, Friday 2 September sees the second edition of "The Children's Flight" and this one promises to be bigger and better than last year. If you can get away from work please make your way to Grand Central and support this wonderful initiative which is the brainchild of Felix Gosher.

On Saturday 2nd September Little Annie the beloved AN2 will be celebrating her 30th Birthday at The Fokker Bush Pud at Grasslands the celebrations will coincide with Yak open day and the Grasslands spring festival. Camping facilities will be available.

Kitty Hawk will be hosting the annual RV fly-in and Classic Car Day on Saturday 2nd September, this fly-in has become very popular over the last few years.

The SAAF Museum will be active again this weekend with their monthly flying training day, all the airworthy Museum aircraft will be flying they normally fly from 9:00 to12:00.

Klipriver Airfield will be hosting a Spring breakfast fly-in Saturday 2nd September.Bird Aviation will be attending. Students flying in must have an instructor on board. Klipriver has grass runways and is a microlight airfield.
Outside pilots welcome to join
Please keep Francois "Hosepipe" Hanekom in your thoughts as he will be going in for major surgery this week.