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News Letter 2 August 2017

Good Day

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that assisted in the formation of “Flightline Weekly” the support and encouragement from people across the Aviation spectrum has been absolutely overwhelming and very humbling.

The aviation community in South Africa must be one of the most supportive bunch of individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I hope to serve the industry well for many years to come by keeping “Flightline Weekly” current with all the latest news and happenings in the Southern African aviation world

Thanks again

Garth Calitz

The World Precision Flying Championships in Austria produced 2 in the Top 10. Ron Stirk finished in 2nd position overall and Frank Eckard finished in 7th. SOUTH AFRICA is proud today

Big congratulations Rob, Frank and the rest of Team SA

This weekend is going to be a very busy one with many events taking place:

East Rand Flying Club will be hosting their annual free breakfast fly-in on Saturday, Come join the guys from Springs Airfield for a great breakfast and aviation comradery. This is always a lot of fun.

Brits Air Park will be a hive of activity with the Sport Aerobatic Club of South Africa’s Judges Trophy Competition. All the big names in South African aerobatics will be there as this is the last competition before the world championships in Malelane later in the year.

PC Pelser airfield in Klerksdorp will be hosting a Skydive Boogie, they will be offering 12000ft jumps at only R200 unfortunately this will be limited to 280 jumpers and for the early birds the first jump of the day will be free as long as you in front of the que. This is from Friday 4 Aug to Sunday 6 Aug.

Botswana Tourism will be hosting the Annual Gaborone International Airshow on Sunday 6 August and if last year’s show is anything to go by it is going to an epic show.

For all the young upcoming commercial pilots, Technical staff and cabin crew Boeings outlook tells the kind of story we all like

Over the next 20 years there will be a need for about 24 000 new pilots, 23 000 new technicians and 28 000 new cabin crew in Africa's aviation industry, according to Boeing's 2017 Pilot and Technician Outlook.

The global total demand for new pilots and technicians to support the world's growing commercial airplane fleet is projected to be 1.2 million by 2036.

Boeing forecasts that between 2017 and 2036, the world's commercial aviation industry will require approximately 637 000 new commercial airline pilots, 648 000 new commercial airline maintenance technicians and 839 000 new cabin crew members.

The 2017 outlook shows a slight increase of 3.2% for pilots over the 2016 outlook and a slight decrease in the need for airline maintenance technicians (4.6%), primarily driven by the reduction in maintenance hours required on the 737 MAX.

Although in general African airlines remain in the red, the state of their financial affairs has at least not deteriorated when compared to the performance in 2016, according to the International Air Transport Association (Iata).

African airlines are expected to post a $100m loss in 2017, according to an Iata estimate. The expected loss for African airlines is in line with the $0.1bn total loss they saw in 2016.

At the same time passenger demand in Africa’s aviation industry is expected to grow by 7.5%. This is slightly behind the expected capacity growth of 7.9%.


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